How I Create My Music and Get Inspired

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As a musician, creating music is a process that involves inspiration, creativity, and hard work. In this blog post, I will share with you how I create my music and what inspires me to create.


Finding Inspiration

Inspiration can come from anywhere, whether it's personal experiences, movies, books, conversations, or sounds. For me, finding inspiration is about staying open to all kinds of stimuli, including nature, art, and spirituality. But mostly I try to stay open to my feelings. I listen and try to understand them, where they come from and why I feel that way.


The Music-Making Process


Once I have an idea, I start exploring different musical elements to bring it to life. I usually begin with a melody, a chord progression or I just simply sit in the drums and play something that makes me feel a certain way, and then build on it by adding harmonies, basslines, and the rest. I also experiment with different sounds and instruments to find the right combination that captures the mood and vibe of the idea. Improvisation is also an important part of my creative process, as it allows me to tap into my subconscious and create something unique and original.

Collaborating with Others


Collaboration is another important aspect of my music-making process. Working with other musicians and producers helps me to gain new perspectives and ideas, and it also brings a diversity of styles and influences into my music. Collaborating with others allows me to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.




Creating music is a personal and intuitive process that involves tapping into one's emotions and imagination. By staying open to inspiration, experimenting with different musical elements, and collaborating with others, I am able to create music that is unique and meaningful to me. I hope this article has given you some insight into my music-making process and what inspires me.







